4 - Olife, Testimonies of users of olivum infusion of olive leaves.
Olife and the therapeutic virtues of olive leaves
First of all, here is my own testimony.
1°) On high blood pressure
"Hypertension is defined as an excessive rise in pressure in the arteries, which persists over time. It is the most common chronic disease in the world."
"To speak of HTA, you need:
an elevation of systolic blood pressure to 14 cmHg (140 mmHg) or higher ;
or an elevation of diastolic blood pressure to 9 cmHg (90 mmHg) or more. "*
* Definition from https://www.ameli.fr/
For several years, my blood pressure was at this limit (14/9) while taking a low dose of medication.
I have been taking Olife in a bottle regularly for about 3 years. My blood pressure has been gradually and steadily decreasing.
Today, it is below 13/8 (12.5/7.5 at the last check-up with my doctor).
2°) About psoriasis
For a very long time, (more than 30 years) I had psoriasis in the palms of my hands, which extended up to several cm above the wrist. It was aesthetically embarrassing, but especially physically because very often I had cracks opening in my palms, with the obligation to wear gloves for gardening or DIY.
Today, by taking the infusion of olive leaves Olive à l'Olivum, the psoriasis has completely disappeared, and since my hands are completely healthy.
And below are testimonials from Evergreen Life's Olife users
By clicking on this link, you will find many testimonials on Olife with Olivum
Then to buy products based on Olivum, Olife, Osprint, Alexandra, follow the procedure explained here.
Here are some extracts from these testimonials, directly in PDF, HERE
No known counter indications of Olife, infusion of olive leaves.
Jean-Jacques PECH
Phone: 06-6549-7280